Friday, September 5, 2014

Thoughtful Quote of the Week: Louis C.K.

Talking is always positive. That's why I talk too much.

- Louis C. K.

I wanted to use a quote today that was positive as I am currently turning a corner in my lifestyle in an attempt to be healthier in my mindset and healthier in my body. I have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and it often makes me feel miserable and unmotivated to get up and do anything. So, recently I joined up on a 6-week Detoxitarian program to help me get more control over my diet and my health. This was a foreign idea to me and something that is a positive leap of faith to try and change some things in my life. Most of my friends who know me well enough know that I am usually one to talk things out, but not always. I usually only talk about some things, while others just eat away at my spirits. This is changing as I become "detoxed" and I'm excited about it. I'm generally a very happy person, not necessarily optimistic, but I'm happy with my life. I love to write and read and do all the things that occupy my days, but plenty of things bother me too and I am beginning to learn how to better deal with that. 

I encourage all my friends and readers and strangers to talk things out in life and share your thoughts. Staying silent is not going to solve anything. I'm still a work in progress, but I'm taking steps in the right direction and maybe after this six weeks, I can finally move past my battles with IBS and move on to something else that is more positive. 

I talk a lot too, Louis, but fortunately that is a positive thing.