Friday, August 1, 2014

Thoughtful Quote of the Week: Simon Cowell

"My dad said to me, 'Work hard and be patient.' It was the best advice he ever gave me. You have to put the hours in."
-Simon Cowell

Patience is a virtue, or at least that is the saying. I believe patience is the most difficult virtue to acquire. In this day and age, patience is lost in the fold of immediate results, responses, and satisfaction. I am not a patient person. It is something I've been working on and have certainly have gotten better with. Simon Cowell's quote just puts it into perspective. It is so important to be patient and work hard and often that gets lost in the repetitiveness of the work day. Everything needs to be done right now and often times if you work hard and be patient the finished product would be so much better. 

I often need to slow down, even when writing this blog. Instead of posting this on Tuesday just to get it done, I went back and rethought the message I was trying to deliver. It is important to remember that everyone has the same number of hours in a day. Sure some people wake up at god-awful hours of the day because they want to get more done that day, or they stay up late like I do. Either way, you need to put the time in and put the hours in. The result is always more rewarding when you put the time in. 

I recommend everyone take the weekend to visit with this and see where you can find more patience in a day and try to work on that. We all can use more patience and even if something is urgent, don't lose your head because time is limited. Be patient. I worked on that these past couple days and I felt so productive even though my time was consumed with detail-oriented work, I got everything done and put the time in on a project that I feel I accomplished well. Now I get to implement the tool I built and it should make my days much more productive. 

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Please share your thoughts!

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