Saturday, June 8, 2013

Clang Bang Swish. A Poem

Clang Bang Swish

A Poem by Brandon Stec

Lace the shoes,
Shift the shorts,
Grab the ball,
Dribble.  Dribble.  Shot.

His clarity arena,
his private court,
his rumination gymnasium.

Where should he work?
Which should he like?
How does he fix it?

Sip the water,
Rest the arms,
Grab the ball,
Dribble.  Dribble.  Shot.

His chance to get better,
His place to think alone,
His palace of privacy.

Why didn't it work?
Who is to blame?
What is next?

Taste the sweat,
Splash the face,
Grab the ball,
Dribble.  Dribble.  Shot.

Clarity through rumination,
Patience around the rim.

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